Broadway Show

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There are so many things to see and do in New York, but if you are planning your vacation, don’t forget to dedicate at least one evening to one of the countless shows that this wonderful city has to offer.

Broadway shows are world-renowned, their stories, music, sets, costumes, and choreography are absolutely wonderful and thrilling, but the shows available in New York are not just Broadway musicals, jazz concerts, rock music, improv shows, classical, modern, experimental theater and so on and so forth.

In short, in the Big Apple, you will have the opportunity to find performances of every kind for all tastes and for all budgets. There is no better place than New York to see a Broadway show! You will be spoiled for choice in selecting the show you love the most from those offered by the 41 theaters around Times Square. Choose your venue well and get ready for one of the best experiences of your life.

It is not necessary to know the language well, during the musical there will be many singing and dancing scenes. Enjoy!

Here’s how to get DISCOUNTED Broadway tickets!

calendario WHEN: Every day, year-round, different times.

banconota COST: $ 75



There are so many things to see and do in New York, but if you are planning your vacation, don’t forget to dedicate at least one evening to one of the countless shows that this wonderful city has to offer.

Broadway shows are world-renowned, their stories, music, sets, costumes, and choreography are absolutely wonderful and thrilling, but the shows available in New York are not just Broadway musicals, jazz concerts, rock music, improv shows, classical, modern, experimental theater and so on and so forth.

In short, in the Big Apple, you will have the opportunity to find performances of every kind for all tastes and for all budgets. There is no better place than New York to see a Broadway show! You will be spoiled for choice in selecting the show you love the most from those offered by the 41 theaters around Times Square. Choose your venue well and get ready for one of the best experiences of your life.

It is not necessary to know the language well, during the musical there will be many singing and dancing scenes. Enjoy!

Here’s how to get DISCOUNTED Broadway tickets!

Kiara - NYC4A



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    Che dire!!! Esperienza fantastica. Per me e la mia fidanzata era la quinta volta a New York, ma non l’avevamo mai vista con gli occhi ed il sapere di Kiara [...]
    Raffaele B.
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    Dinamica, solare, positiva ed estremamente professionale. Kiara non è solo una delle migliori guide italiane di New York (conosco benissimo la città, eppure lei riesce sempre a sorprendermi con novità e luoghi insoliti) ma anche un'apprezzata Vlogger e Content Creator per il web. Ho avuto modo di collaborare con lei in più di un'occasione, la sua preparazione e la sua serietà sono fuori discussione. Il suo grande valore aggiunto è costituito dall'entusiasmo e dalla determinazione con cui affronta e porta avanti ogni nuovo progetto. Consigliata a chi desidera scoprire Nyc in maniera più autentica e approfondita ma anche ad enti ed aziende che desiderano sviluppare in maniera efficace i loro progetti sul web.
    Simona Sacri
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